Essences Bulgaria Organic Mountain Savory Essential Oil 1/6 Fl Oz – 1/3 Fl Oz | 5ml | 10ml | Satureja Montana | 100% Pure and Natural | Undiluted | Therapeutic Grade | Family Owned Farm | Steam-Distilled | Non-GMO About Organic Mountain savory (Satureja montana) Essential Oil ● Mountain savory (Satureja montana), also called winter savory, is a perennial herbaceous plant. This savory belongs to the mint family ● Its Latin name is "Satureja" and means "grass of satyrs". Satyrs were mythical creatures, half human, half goat, famous for their rebellious natures ● With its sour and slightly peppery taste, this herb was a favorite of the ancient Romans long before the first pepper was brought from India ● It has rich content of nutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamins A and C and from the B group: B1, B3 and B6 as well as up to 3% essential oils, tannin, etc Winter savory is known for its strong spicy-sharp flavor as a kitchen herb but is still rather unknown as essential oil. Thankfully it is getting more popular as its health benefits are immense. Most of all should be mentioned that real Satureja montana essential oil has great antibiotic abilities. It can stimulate your immunity and fights infection and cough. Furthermore it is very effective against stomach ache, all sorts of parasites (such as worms) and it heals also fungaldiseases. The spicy essential oil from winter savory got newly revealed as very effective natural antibiotic with additional antiviral and antifungal properties. It even got tested in hospitals to fight multi-resistant germs. Essences Bulgaria offers best quality mountain savory oil, which can have very promising effects on people with gall bladder and liver issues. Furthermore it helps against digestion problems, fluctuations, diarrhea and inflammation of urinary tract as well as against all sorts of parasites (such as worms). Real Satureja montana oil is extremely effective against skin blemishes, inflammated skin and against insect bites. Moreover savory oil has warming effects on the physical body and increases libido. In combination with warmth its antimycotic compound becomes very effective and gets rid of pathogenic fungi. As it has very low molecular weight, mountain savory oil reaches deep into nails and skin and therefore fights all sorts of fungal infection related to nails and foot. On a mental level it brings back focus and concentration and helps specifically in periods of overhaul and fills you with positive energy. As it is a strong antiseptic it should not be used purely onto the skin. APPLICATION GUIDE MOUNTAIN SAVORY ESSENTIAL OIL MENTAL EFFECTS AND APPLICATIONS Supports your feeling of well–being, increases memory and concentration ability Diffusion: Mix 1-2 drops of oil with a bit of water. PHYSICAL EFFECTS AND APPLICATIONS Insect bites Topical application: Apply 1 drop of essential oil over the affected area. Infections like bronchitis Fungal diseases (foot and nail mycosis) Topical application: Apply 1 drop of essential oil to the affected nail and spread evenly with the help of a cotton ball / several times a day. Warts Topical application: Combine 1 drop of essential oil with 1 drop almond oil. Mix and apply to the affected area with the help of a cotton ball / several times a day. Cough Inhalation: Mix 2 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of honey (1-2 tablespoons of sea salt) and add to hot water, steam inhalation for 10 minutes / 3-4 times a day. Sore throat Massage Oil / Healing rub: Add 2 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of almond oil. Massage onto neck and chest. Apply a warm compress directly over your chest. Digestive problems and flatulence Massage Oil: Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 5-10 ml of base-oil like jojoba oil. With a gentle light pressure, massage your stomach using clockwise circular strokes. Healing rub: Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 20 drops of base-oil like olive oil. Antiparasitic (e.g. worms) WHY TO CHOOSE “ESSENCES BULGARIA”? BECAUSE WE DO EVERYTHING OURSELVES! When it comes to the question from whom to choose the oils, the answer is simple: „Essences Bulgaria“! We have the entire production chain in our hands and so we are able to check on the quality at any time starting from the seed before germination until the oil is finally dripping into the bottles. In our geographic position it is not possible to grow a wide range of plants, hence we focus on limited varieties of oils. So we gain the possibility caring about each plant as much as it needs to be and to harvest at the right time to finally provide you with the best possible essential oils. Thank you for your trust and we promise you will be rewarded with the best quality!